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For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

WEB 2 Corinthians 89

For You Know the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ

That Though He Was Rich, Yet for Your Sake He Became Poor

In Mark 12, we read the story of the widow's offering. In this story, Jesus was much more impressed by the widow's small offering than by the large offerings of the rich people. This is because the widow gave all that she had, while the rich people only gave a small portion of their wealth. Jesus said that the widow's offering was greater than all the other offerings combined because she gave all that she had.

This story teaches us that it is not the amount of money we give that matters, but the heart behind the gift. God is more interested in our motives than in the size of our offering. When we give to God, we should do so with a cheerful heart and with the desire to serve Him.

The widow's offering is a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of a small gift. Even the smallest gift can make a big difference in the life of someone else. When we give to God, we are not only helping others, but we are also investing in our own spiritual growth.


The story of the widow's offering is a powerful reminder that God is more interested in our hearts than in the size of our offerings. When we give to God, we should do so with a cheerful heart and with the desire to serve Him. Even the smallest gift can make a big difference in the life of someone else. When we give to God, we are not only helping others, but we are also investing in our own spiritual growth.
